May 14, 2024

Unlocking Innovation Across Europe with DigitalValley: Connecting Local Innovation Ecosystems across Europe and thereby supporting transformative growth!

In Germany, there are about 1,000 so-called local innovation ecosystems, yet there is no digital overlay to unify them. It’s as if there are numerous vacation rentals but no Airbnb to connect them. This is precisely why we created DigitalValley. Our goal is to enable access from Germany to a European innovation marketplace. This benefits startups, as well as companies and investors. Before COVID-19, it was easier to find innovation and startups in places like Munich and Berlin. However, post-COVID-19, founders are establishing their startups wherever they choose. This is beneficial because founders no longer need to move to major cities; they can start their businesses where it makes sense and where the best ecosystem is present.

At DigitalValley, we connect all these local ecosystems to speed up the process of discovering innovations and bringing them to market maturity. In the near future, we’ll be able to advise entrepreneurs who register with us about the top three to five ecosystems in Europe that are best suited to develop their ideas. Once they have a product, we’ll guide them to the best companies for testing their product in the markets. We’ll also identify the best investors for their product, niche, and industry, thus increasing the pace of innovation across Europe and hopefully creating a global brand for innovation development with DigitalValley. We always say, „Silicon Valley can’t be everywhere, but Digital Valley can be – right in your pocket.“ This makes us the Silicon Valley for your pocket, bringing Silicon Valley’s essence to everyone, everywhere.

In this article:
In Germany, there are about 1,000 so-called local innovation ecosystems, yet there is no digital overlay to unify them. It’s as if there are numerous vacation rentals but no Airbnb to connect them. This is precisely why we created DigitalValley.
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