About us


The team at DigitalValley, under the leadership of co-founder and CEO P. Dennis Niederhagen, began by questioning the absence of a marketplace for innovations. Given the immense challenges we face today, we can no longer afford to engage in the traditional, inefficient methods of scouting startups and innovations. This is why we serve as a digital bridge linking local innovation ecosystems and their startups. The era of barriers in innovation has ended. Therefore, we facilitate connections between companies, innovators, and investors to promote collaborative innovation. Embrace our motto: “Silicon Valley may not be everywhere, but DigitalValley is!”

Our strategy unfolds in three stages, aiming for expansion within the EU and beyond, designed to be straightforward and effective:


Connecting the Dots

Consolidation of Local Ecosystems: Our first step is to unify local ecosystems into a cohesive network. This phase is dedicated to reinforcing the links between each ecosystem to build a strong foundation that supports growth across Europe and elsewhere.


Digitalize naturally

Digitalization of Scouting and Monitoring (Innovation Funnel Management): We then introduce digital tools for scouting and monitoring innovation. This digital transformation allows for seamless management of the innovation funnel from start to finish, enabling efficient identification and support of promising ventures through DigitalValley.


Building a Marketplace

Marketplace for Cooperation and Investment (Co-Pilot): Our final phase launches a marketplace designed to foster cooperation and investment opportunities. Acting as a co-pilot, this platform simplifies the process of discovering and connecting with potential partners and investors, streamlining investments and collaborations.

Our track record


Scouted Startups


Events curated


Startup awards


Cost of scouting reduction


“We started our digital Innovation Journey with DigitalValley in 2022 and saved so much time and money to find relevant innovations. And besides that we even created buzz around our brand. NPS: 10 for DigitalValley!“
Kristin Heckmann
CSIO Hessnatur
“The guys from DigitalValley fed us with really smart reports and incomparable moments during WebSummit. It was truly intense, focussed and we are full of energy now for the next steps. NPS 9. No discussion!“
Olaf Schulze
VP Energy Management METRO Properties
“The last Bergpitch was our 13th edition – and the first with the help of DigitalValley as our tool for the digital award management. If we had this earlier… Really saving time and nerves!“
Phil Derichs
Head of Gründer- und Technologiezentrum Solingen Business

Upgrade your startup scouting now! Save time and reduce costs. Contact us today to elevate your scouting process!